About bakingnotwriting

Sewed the dog a poncho...Instead of writing!

Sewed the dog a poncho…Instead of writing!

I am a professional writer who is a professional procrastinator. I bake when I should be writing. Here are some of my stories about recipes, recipes I developed, family recipes, and more. What else? This blog is usually lactose-free, frequently vegan, and rarely serious. Just like me!

I can always count on my

I miss having my “editor” to help

P.S., I have been asked to acknowledge my two assistants, without whom none of this would be possible. They are the Podengo and the spirit of the Mitten.

P.P.S., You can e-mail me directly at bakingnotwriting@gmail.com but I love comments best.

P.P.P.S., (Did you know you can do that many?) I have a new blog about TV at iwatchtvsoyoudonthaveto.wordpress.com.

Thanks for reading!

18 Responses to About bakingnotwriting

  1. NTP says:

    Great blog! Your mother wonders if a bit of the “real” gratin might even be left over in her frig when she comes back from her trip.

  2. I’ve just started my blog and I find it a welcome addition to the fine art of procrastination. You’re writing but not work writing and it’s a great distraction that feels somehow justifiable. It’s good to see a writer out and proud about their procrastination.

  3. ChgoJohn says:

    I dropped by to thank you for your visit to my blog, read that you’re a “professional procrastinator,” and, recognizing a kindred spirit, immediately hit the “Follow” button. If we find a few more, we can start a support group. Well, maybe tomorrow …

    • Ha ha! Yes — we can start the Procrastinator’s Group later…Much later. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the follow. Your blog is very cool. I started mine to preserve our family recipes — which are all pretty dull compared to yours.

  4. strawberryquicksand says:

    Hey! I’m glad to have you on my blogroll! I’m not sure how it works, however, so can’t really choose which authors end up on it or not. What I’m going to do once I’ve got the hang of this WordPress stuff a little better is to do a blogroll post and mention a little about the bloggers I follow. I love your blog – interesting and funny, and well written to boot. ๐Ÿ™‚ How long have you been blogging? You have a lot of blog posts! Do you know how many followers etc, you have? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for visiting my blog, by the way!

    • Ha ha!!! I’m still so pleased to have made your blogroll — even if it WAS an accident!! That’s awesome. WordPress can be soooo confusing. I’ve been blogging two years and 5 days (they reminded me of our “anniversary”). Not only do I obsess over my stats, I also have a friend who was web savvy enough to put an outside stat counter on my blog so I can see with more detail who is reading me. ๐Ÿ™‚ I really like your blog too. I am going back to read the post about a wombat. My friend Kate’s parents send us photos of a local wombat who was raised by Kate’s Aunt and then set free again when he got old. He still stops in for a snack now that he is grown.

    • Oh! I’m in love with Spud the Wombat!!! If possible, he is cuter than Wendall the Wombat from near Mudgee!

  5. Janet Rรถrschรฅch says:

    Thank you so much for following my blog. That was very kind. (A little late in saying that. Christmas is my busy season.) Keep writing. Keep eating. Keep writing about eating!

  6. Fantastic blog and…Congratulations! You have been nominated for the Liebster Award.
    Well done and keep blogging!


  7. Thank you for the nomination! It’s my first…I don’t know anything about these awards and how they work but I will do some research. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Liz says:

    Because you complained about Bounty, I shall follow your blog, now stop procrastinating and go and like my Leek and Potato soup, if you are too tired perhaps Podengo or the Mitten can speed it up? Do have a wonderful weekend! I look forward to your posts.

  9. Liz says:

    I have confirmed with certainty that you are not really a procrastinator. Thanks for the speedy action. Goodnight, my eyes are closing!

  10. I like your happy-go-lucky spirit (which I often think I could use a bit more of). What kind of writing do you do at work? Best,

    • I’m the opposite of happy-go-lucky most of the time so I’m glad that’s coming through in my writing! Pretty dark lately so that’s probably why I haven’t written much on the blog. I’m a publicist by day, writing everything from prose about pudding to pitches for beauty products, travel and music. My other “real” writing includes screenwriting and my dream of being a children’s author. I have to say that my attitude is mostly “UNHappy-go-lucky”!!!!

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