Dairy-Free Junk Food Files: Golden Rolls

81Qv8SiuWTL._SL1500_-1These crisp and airy yet densely buttery-tasting confections feign dairy effectively, yet contain none.

Equally at home in a fruit salad or an ice cream sundae, their only downside is that they are maddeningly hard to find in the United States. I think I picked up my most recent box at a local German deli that has a great selection of British and German groceries but I can’t swear to it!

The seal on the front of the box intimates a Royal warrant but actually says that they have been making these beauties in Carlisle since 1841. According to the internet, they usIMG_2066ed to have a warrant but lost it in 2012. They lost it for their water crackers — which are also excellent.

I think it’s very unfair for the water crackers to have tanked these wonderful little cookies. If you can find them, let me know how you did it — and buy a bunch.

They are also great with blueberries and lactose-free yoghurt.



About bakingnotwriting

I'm a writer who is always baking! Or a baker who is always writing...No. Other way around.
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